Thursday, 13 October 2016

કાણિયું - Part two

Something New and still Easy? Are you kidding?

Parenting a baby bird, when real parents are actually doing all the parenting, was not something new to me. As a child, my responsible shoulders did support at least one/two sparrow nests in home at most time round the year. All it required was making parents feel comfortable (They are anyway and that's why they have their nest in your house but still, you can always do your bit), supply some food to them which they can feed to babies (I learned quite late that supplying monotonous, non core food actually was doing more harm than good - specially when real parents were inexperienced and accepted what I offered rather than toiling harder to find appropriate food) and keep a watch on any danger (inside home, there wasn't much of that however, still I had that concept.). Add to that - of me being already experienced, that now I had few more bits of wisdom. Now I knew each species eat different things and what do they eat primarily.

After parents had fed the baby, I realised I was sitting there for quite some time so take the baby home (and it showed as much agility as had shown while going out - and here, for the first time I become aware of danger posed by the black dog - you have read about her before.). After a while, I head back to the feeding place carrying dove baby and Bajara (Millet) - for parents. Repeat my elaborate process of displaying of the baby so that parents can see it from anywhere on more than dozen trees from that place, put the bajara and the dove on ground and back off. Now, I Knew bird babies are non-stop eaters. and parents must keep running from dawn to dusk non stop to feed them. but somehow, parents did not come readily. I waited. and after some wait they did come and fed the baby. It was still more than an hour since the baby was fed the first time. It was Odd. why didn't they rush as soon as baby was back?

Anyway, now that they have resumed, things should go smoother. So, I waited for them to return. and waited and waited. Meanwhile, the Sun of 17th May, the day when years worst heat wave was just started, kept inching higher in sky every minute. I was too pre-occupied with my easy parenting job however and had not yet thought about it.

It was around 11 AM now. Heat was already unbearable for last hour and a half. I wanted water, needed to be back to cooler place but what about the baby, must be very hungry as parents had not returned after second feeding. I expected mom to at least remember me and come and give some water - but nothing, apparently was going as expected. She did finally remember me around 11.30 and I got the water, but I decided to take a break and returned home with the baby dove soon after.

Staying out in that heat -without something to protect head from the heat, without water, to someone fully healthy, fit and who is used to such exposure is also quite difficult. and, all I can say here is, I am lot more fragile compared to an average person around me. plus, of course, I was not used to stay out to face heat on such hot days at all. (of course, you cant be used to what is not possible for you, right?) This part of the story would be 90% unconveyed if reader doesn't get the idea what it meant to be out under the tree for me (not Sun - story would have never been written if it was to be so - with writer long dead) - and probably I am not good at describing it. But anyways, let me proceed to tell you remaining 10% of it.

Upon returning home, I decide I must try to feed the baby dove - કાણિયું (Kaniyu - One eyed). Friend whom I had requested to check dove baby food had replied (it probably had not occurred to me to acknowledge the reply or to update anything back), also, I do have a pair of Eurasian collared dove in my multi species family so what to feed did not seem a big question immediately, neither in what form. I needed paste - possibly cooked to make it easily digestible as the Kaniyu was still young and may not be ready for raw food. Millet atta wasnt there, but wheat was equally good alternative for now. So I make wheat flour's cooked paste and try to feed Kaniyu. It turned out to be non starter. He wouldn't eat. I tried hand, spoon, round hollow tube (so its beak can go into that), different consistencies of the paste, but he wouldn't eat. I thought that even if he may not respond to the sight, smell and food touching its beak, hunger, but must understand my spoken request to eat - So I kept saying 'Kaniyu, Kha.' (Kaniyu, eat.) I had no idea then that,  this two word sentence would end up being the sentence spoken most number of times in my entire life so far and that, he wouldn't oblige me even once ever.

Not soon after 1 PM, after spending nearly 45 mins in trying to feed Kaniyu, and having my own lunch, I was back under the tree. Parents came soon enough. Fed him. and I return in less than half hour as promised to mom. Unimaginably exhausted, I had no option but to take some rest. Next feeding at around 3 came soon after I took Kaniyu out there. but it was only mother who came. Last one came around 5, even though I sat there waiting parents to come once before the day was over till almost 6.30.

Kaniyu appeared to be sleeping between his feedings for most time. after that he would became active again, preen profusely, do multiple rounds of typical wing stretching followed by shoulder flexibility exercise. and he was doing all these very diligently. I tried to make him sit on a table instead of on floor, but in no time he would have fallen on the floor and then slowly make his way to sit on my shoe.

Next day, I was out there at 6 AM, first feeding by both parents was only around 7.15. I returned around 9 AM, parents had not came for second feeding by then. On day two also, eventually I managed to keep Kaniyu out there enough and he eventually managed five feeding. I had some lessons learned and I kept my head covered and kept sprinkling water over myself. but given this very infrequent feeding and also realising I wont last long in this routine of staying outdoor whole day in Mid may, my feeding attempts became more and more desperate. without any result - in some 30-40 min each time I spent, he sipped no more than 2-3 ml while I repeated Kaniyu, Kha some 500-1000 times. Even as my attempts to feed him did not show any positive results, there were at least two negative results. One, I ended up wasting all spare time I could have used to rest and recover, and as you know, cooked wheat flour is extremely sticky, despite all my efforts to keep it away, wipe away, from Kaniya's feathers, he managed to spread it all over. Worst affected were throat and below area and one shoulder - he had this habit to turn its head and rest its beak on the shoulder joint - and he could do it so much more faster than I could wipe its beak.

Over next three days, routine was more or less same as day two, with one improvement that as I slowly came to understand that five feeding is what they do and that for Kaniyu, it was enough, I spent marginally less time outdoor and worried a lot less about Kaniyu being hungry. with each passing day and hour of course, I was losing my energy to heat and keeping up continued to be harder and harder, in fact it was no less than a miracle that I managed to keep on. Kaniya's routine was same, eat, on coming back sit on shoe (I shifted shoe over the table next to window - so he can have shoe as well as can glance outside window to see and learn from lively world outside), sleep, exercise and grow. I could see him growing day by day with lot of satisfaction. while waiting to be fed, he started becoming increasingly active, even started attempting flying - not succeeding gaining height beyond few inches however, but still he managed few small horizontal flights circling me (as I stood at level below him). Yes, he always aimed his flight at / around me. He knew clearly now that he had two kinds of parents. feeding parents and guarding parent.

These three easy days still had their quota of disasters, mainly arising out of my lack of parenting skill, all of them fully voided by unfailing luck that protected Kaniyu. Some of them were..

- I kept increasing distance between me and Kaniyu in order to make its parents more comfortable - till, one morning a crow landed next to Kaniyu. Even as Kaniyu looked at the crow innocently, crow at Kaniyu in risk assessment mode, I ran and shouted as fast I could, what made the crow abort his attempt to attack Kaniyu was both his parents darting from different directions straight towards the crow. So I reduced the distance thereafter, kept extra eye on crows (lots of them around), AND - stopped my ritual of displaying kaniyu to make it visible to its parents. - they could see their baby from anywhere exactly. All I was doing was making it visible to predators and inviting them.

- On another occasion, a dog came completely quietly from my back with an eye on Kaniyu. He did not succeed as you know, but my vigil then extended to 360 degrees.

- Kids used to came to play near the Kaniya's tree - I was worried both as to parents may not come with all these kids nearby and, that their ball may hit Kaniyu. (kids in India play only cricket - just in case you didn't know.). As my skills in dealing with people is in complete contrast with my comfort with non-humans, and that I actually dislike human kids (I find them copies of their parents, only yet to learn how to hide what better stay hidden.), even as I tried being as nice as possible and even as they actually weren't as bad as average human kids and some of them actually were good, not just not bad, mornings remained not exactly easy - we had to start late on two of the three days.

- Once, parents did not come for day's last feeding. I sat there for nearly an hour past usual time but they didn't come. As I was returning disappointed, a Shikra flew off from few trees away. So, that was the reason. With sure death like shikra's preying eyes present, obviously parents didn't come and feed. This again expanded scope of my vigil, reduced my max and average distance from Kaniyu and increased time/no. of visits outdoor as when parents didn't turn up, I now thought of a predators presence and returned after a brief wait, to come back again after few minutes.

- I thought if my doves (doves in my multi-species family) adopt / become extra parents to Kaniyu, things can go smoother. When I kept Kaniyu outside home, they saw him and came promptly near. seeing them Kaniyu went as mad with happiness as he did seeing his own parents. The Doves however instantly attacked Kaniyu and it was again Kaniya's luck and me knowing body language of my doves too well that my hand was between attacking dove and Kaniyu well in time.

Completely unaware of any of these problems, Kaniyu continued to grow bigger, stronger and more active. His yellow infancy strands were almost gone now and tail was somewhat longer. He was still a very lovely infant to an human eye, though he was not THAT young for a dove. If he was to have normal childhood, he would have left nest for ground in next 3-7 days.

Friday, 7 October 2016


દેવ નું દીધેલ

I push the door again. It was closed from inside. Strange. Mom knew I was out for a morning walk.. "Come from the Back door" she tells me when I ask her to open the door. As I enter the house from back door, she says 'an Injured Babbler baby has come.' I walk to the small front room it was placed in. With door closed and bird sitting on the floor, not enough light to see clearly, but that babbler sized bird definitely was a dove. He sat there on the ground upright.

I am not good at remembering visuals. ok, remembering is not the right word, ability to recall visual knowledge in visual form is.. if that makes sense. i.e. ask me to draw / dictate / or even just visualise how a street I pass by daily looks like - you get nothing. I may identify a person even if meeting him/her after long long gap, but ask me to visually recall even someone I meet daily- none of my neurons will fire. (though this disability is reduced greatly wrt to photographs. somehow I can recall a photograph of a person without that great difficulty.). For very long I had thought that people drawing sketches of someone/something from memory as just a stupid fiction created by some unknowledable fiction writers. Not anymore. Since that morning of 17th May, anytime I try to recall the moment I first saw that baby dove, even when he was barely visible in that room with windows and door closed, I can see it again as I could see it then (though still cant draw). And I had no idea then - that not having video-graphic memory was to be a disability no more till he was there with me.

I open windows, see him closely in the light. Head injury, one eye badly injured- most probably lost. yellow strands of infancy feathers still in abundance over near full greenish-grey feathers, tail as short as it could be. The other eye that was unhurt was having no fear or anxiety in it, it was not even curiously focused on the animal with evil reputation sitting in front of him in this completely alien environment. Yes, it was what I guess infancy shield to fear - when fear is not able to serve any useful purpose, why have it? but, there was something else too about its personality.. Anyway, he sat there as if nothing had happened, doing what he was supposed to do - preening continuously, as if having no doubt that everything else is just fine.

I tell mom it was not a babbler but a dove baby - Eurasian collared dove baby and ask how did it arrive? Kids playing out there found it and they delivered it here thinking we can take care of it she says. Where? How long back? to which she informs only a few mins back. I did not know what I should be doing but as a reflex reaction, I put some water in front of the baby bird, sprinkle some turmeric on head injury, call a friend asking to look up what do Eurasian collared dove baby eat (internet wasn't working as usual) and go out to see if those kids were still around. I find them not far away. They show me the tree from which nest was broken, show place (almost 20-30 meters away from the nest) where they found the dove baby and also showed me that its parent was looking for the baby near the nest tree.

Feeding the Dove baby - The problem and an easy solution

I get back, have breakfast (very unusual of me not to get hyperactive and rush and avoid having breakfast despite knowing I wont fare very well in doing so), pick up the baby dove, go and show to the parent who was surely looking for it and was anxious not finding it. I go there, hold the baby high, try to make it as visible as possible to parent and then put it on the ground. Parent notices the baby, comes somewhat near it but doesn't come all the way. Meanwhile the baby, not quite dull even in that low light room had burst into activeness as soon as it was out of the door, under the open sky. Such a small thing, heavily injured not too long ago was also difficult to keep in my hands for few meters from home to nest tree (no, it was not a struggle to escape, it was in fact display of activeness in safety of protecting hands.) The parent, however wouldn't close the remaining distance. I keep going farther thinking parent is afraid of me, but no luck.

Then, another parent arrived. I show the baby to it as well and back off again. In no time the Mother was next to the baby, who was screaming with joy at the prospect of getting food. She feeds him, like the baby, she too show no concern about situations not quite 'normal'. i.e. that baby was out of the nest, on ground, injured and carried here by a human. She simply comes, stays near the baby for a while, feeds and flies off - all the while the first parent, who was now termed Father keeps watching with uncertainty. After a short-while however, he too comes down cautiously, as he approaches baby making sound announcing his presence, the baby sensing his presence puts all its energy and enthusiasm in asking food and finally gets his father feed him. It was nearly 45 mins now that I was sitting with the baby there. but it was well worth it. Baby was accepted by parents, they were both feeding it. Baby appeared healthy and happy.

I did not have to worry about what to feed, how to feed. All I needed to do was sit there guarding the baby and rest will be taken care of. I was relieved at this easy and instant success at this unexpected problem which was looking quite difficult an hour ago.

I intend to make it multi-part post. yes, It is not any narrative intended to convey some idea / thoughts etc. but only and purely an factual account of those days with my baby dove. Why I felt I should clarify this is that life is not constrained by compulsion of having a point. and if you read thinking it has any point and keep trying to find some, you may be disappointed. I am also not in any position to guarantee that mood, level of detail or anything within any two parts will have harmony - for, all I have right now is the first past above. and I never manage to know what kind of and if at all I will be able to write next sentence. (I did think of writing the whole stuff first and then posting in parts, but if I aim at that, I probably may end up not writing it.)

Sunday, 2 October 2016

Micchāmi Dukkaḍaṃ

क्षमा शोभती उस भुजंग को
जिसके पास गरल हो
उसको क्या जो दंतहीन
विषरहित, विनीत, सरल हो।
- रामधारी सिंह दिनकर

I will be back to these lines in a while.

AT start of latest internet near outage - which appears to have became less severe yesterday, I thought of visiting library and see if I had missed any Asimov book during my previous visits few years back. To my pleasant surprise, there were many. Library was in better hands and books better organised now. Now, given that in last three+ years, if you have heard me talking about something at a higher frequency than even my babblers, that's Asimov's stories, you can easily guess what must have happened. Yes, for last few days I was spending all the time reading him - till eyes started hurting enough that I have taken a break now.

At one place he was talking about how he felt about 'Modern poetry'. that he is unable to make any sense of it and finally reaches conclusion that its written so as if any layman can understand it, its supposed to be an insult to the poet. I could instantly relate to the dis-tasteful feeling he was talking about. No, I am luckier and have escaped any such Modern poetry but its similar feeling I get seeing photographs of those who call themselves photographers (which again, fortunately, I don't come across except on rarest of occasions.).

With respect to 'poetry', even though I managed not to suffer similarly, I haven't escaped completely unhurt. I find source of that dis-tasteful feeling lying not with the poetry or the poet - but masses that appreciate it. Let me try to explain with an example. whenever I see people appreciating a film song (not poetry, but who knows, people may even call it that and anyway I don't claim expertise to say what is poetry and what is not), it always kills my numerous neurons (that's what I call that dis-tasteful feeling generated while trying to make sense where doing so is not possible). It is 'Panchhi Nadiyan Pawan Ke Jhonke..' Here, what the problem is? that humans have created boarders - which restricts free movement (in some cases at least - which may even be the only relevant case for the lyricist.) and THAT this problem is unique to the humans. Solution? - you would be better off being anything else like bird, river or wind. - I don't wonder how someone could write this. for, someone could write anything he pleases - what I wonder is how so many can appreciate this. i.e. if problem statement is man creating movement restriction for man by marking territories and defending them - has no one ever heard of bird territories? I wish all the appreciators become something like my magpie robin or Myna or Doves or any other bird and try to go and sit and sing, display, just few trees away. And, how does a river or wind possibly act like a live bird or animal? what's point of clubbing and comparing them here? If the problem is defined as man stopping x/y/z.. I thought rivers crossing (or not crossing) borders could create even a bigger issue than men crossing borders. No? And yet, so many people think its a clever line describing a problem and solutions in wonderful way! How in-depth and intelligent society I am privileged to be part of! Anyway, this was an old case and it is not why I am writing today.

Few days back, there was a birth anniversary of a well known poet - Poet of the lines at the start - I found those lines mentioned by someone on twitter. Words in those lines flow beautifully and as you read each word in a way its supposed to be read, the sound itself creates an impression that what is written is right. Its same effect that when suddenly someone makes a very confident statement, you tend to believe in it.

but wait, how do you say defenceless (दंतहीन, विषरहित) and विनीत, सरल in same breath? Is the poet representing/addressing a culture that takes modesty, simplicity as signs of lack of strength, of weakness? Really?

and.. well, forgiveness indeed decorates the powerful but second line again throws me into dark where I struggle to understand what kind of popular understanding makes it a popular poetry.

I find two major clashes between my understanding of things and what appears to be popular understanding given that this is a popular poem. They are,
What is क्षमा (forgiveness)
When it is easy to forgive and its usefulness.

Let me start with the second point. okay, do you remember being victimised in any small/big way when you were weak, defenceless, could just do nothing to the wrong doer? how easy was forgiving then? and how about a situation when you were all strong, could demolish the wrong-doer in an instant and tried to forgive, tried to think of situation in dis-passionate way instead of through hate emanating by unforgiving state of mind? I think its not difficult to see that difficulty in forgiving varies inversely with our strength (of course other things being equal). In that case, for the weak, forgiving is a much greater task than the powerful and has greater reward also. He would save himself from wasting his already low resources in trying to accomplish impossible and instead can focus on growing stronger.

and, what is क्षमा in first place? I think it is often interpreted that its letting go of wrong doer. Again a great conflict with my understanding. As taught to me, its letting go of self (from being further victim of the hate generated within). what you do with the wrong doer has nothing to do with if you have forgiven or not. It should only and entirely depend on what is धर्म (Duty). Forgiveness only helps one performing duties without suffering from a clouded vision that comes from hateful mind that has not forgiven. It only facilitates dealing with wrong doer appropriately - including punishing him IF that is appropriate in the case.

and so, to me, when act of forgiving is independent from how you deal with external situation, when I read and try to understand how act of forgiving is irrelevant if you are weak - it instantly starts killing my neurons. To save them, I was trying hard what could possibly explain it. And I suspect its Elitism. You see, then anyway what matters, what is credit worthy is what the Strong does. Its not the act of forgiveness by weak that is irrelevant, it is the weak himself who is irrelevant. (and it doesn't require you be a Strong to be elitist, you can as well be weak, very weak and still be one - its an ideology, free to subscribe. -or possibly even bribed to subscribe - but let me not start a sub post here.)

No wonder this took me so long to reach here - this concept of Elitism is very very new to me and I guess if I was late by few more years, may even have missed chance (not that I would have regretted missing the chance) to see how Strong elitists behave, specially when ideology is contracting, free lunches taken away - for, I guess elitism appears to be up for a great crash. Looks like 200YMA is decisively broken, confirmed by volumes and you can see panic among those caught against the trend.

P.S. If you happen to be someone who have grown up with Dinakar's poems and if me calling his lines representation of elitism has hurt you (it happens with all of us - suddenly someone criticising what we had held in high regards hurts at first - even if we later manage to accept criticism.) Then please recall what we all must have learned in childhood..
क्षमा बलमशक्तानाम्
शक्तानाम् भूषणम् क्षमा।
and do forgive me.