Few days back, I came across this article that says, “... ordinary experiences become increasingly associated with happiness as people get older...”. Not taking any position on what it said, I anyway asked myself which experiences made me most happy. I immediately recollected something. Some two years back, I woke up at around 2 - 3 AM with some unexplained noises outside. Probably I woke up from somewhat deeper sleep and brain wasn’t fully functional for few moments - it had not yet made sense of source of sounds and quickly decided to invoke fear - a good amount of it. I walk to the window and glance outside to find out source of sounds and.. state of my mind changed INSTANTLY. It felt like definition of beauty to the eyes and wonderful tranquility and happiness to the mind. brain swings into action in a moment or two later asking - what is that I am looking at? Right under the tree few feet away, those were two beautiful Antelopes. I knew I shouldn't be seeing them if it was not a dream. few more moments and my brain finally caught up with the reality. Antelopes they were, but not of the size I thought a moment ago. They were near infant age twins of largest Asian antelope - Nilgai and they were those four big, innocent eyes that replaced fear and anxiety with peace and happiness in my mind. for the impact it generated, I would anytime argue it was an extra-ordinary experience, but looking at it objectively, sighting of a Nilgai may not be regarded as that extra-ordinary. So, if what the article said was right, I am getting older, or probably I was born older? Wouldn't I have been equally happy seeing them some twenty years ago too?
Anyways, recently I again had a chance to be in beautiful surroundings that had somewhat similar effect. Standing between bright yellow of mustard flowers, looking at water reflecting yellows and greens and mixed flock of birds adding more life.. All these almost as non pre-planned, unexpected as seeing those Nilgai youngs. As I stood there, I wouldn’t have objected if time stopped and didn’t realise if it was flowing or not. Some shots below, I hope they convey some of the beauty out there.