Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Just another post

No fresh shots or story to share so thought of sharing some unrelated old shots not covered earlier. that way I will be able to keep up with my usual post frequency in this lean period too..

Last year this time, I was only thinking of getting a macro lens and was reading reviews, looking at other's macro shots to understand both what macro world is actually and which lens is good. One subject I came across often (by non macro photographers, but I didn't realise it then) was a fly shot and looking at those photos I had promised myself that I will never take a fly shot if I get macro lens. However, to my surprise, I found that flies come in not so ugly forms too. I am not very confident of telling flies from bees always though.
Something else that I had found sometime back.

I wonder if someday I will be able to witness a snake shedding its skin or at least an insect coming out of its exoskeleton.. till now, best exoskeleton I saw with no hint of emergent insect anywhere was this.
insect exoskeleton

When I had shifted here (to blogger), I had thought most of my posts would be just collection of not necessarily related photos. Now, I find writing this post difficult - for, I don't have any story to tell, its just some random shots and that too unconnected. Anyways, last of the unconnected dots is the tree below, actually its fruits. Haven't managed to find ID of the tree so far.

As I keep saying, I am unfortunately an urban person, who is fortunate enough to be near to nature at present. Now, I do find Babblers to Butterflies and Green Pigeon to spiders to talk to and also manage doing it quite effectively at times, my urban background still gives itself away very easily when it comes to flora. I think someone who has grown up with nature would have developed sense of caution and fear of eating unknown fruits. finding a new fruit, he/she wouldn't think of tasting it right away... but for me, I had to struggle hard to remind myself to be cautious when I saw this fruit. I saw some fruits fallen on ground and noticed the tree. Fruits appeared very attractive but weightless and hollow inside. and they indeed were almost weightless.. but not exactly hollow. they were filled with pink sponge like thing.
I was very tempted to taste one.. and I found one local person passing by who assured me that though people don't eat them, it was ok to eat one if I was curious enough. It was somewhat sour. . not bad actually. Not sure what exactly made me so interested in them but I thoroughly enjoyed finding this new and strange fruit and even taste it :-)

Friday, 11 April 2014

Asking for a Sun

After what looked like monsoon in extended winter's disguise, last month weather caught up with calendar, filling nearly month and a half lag in matter of few days. It meant that my reactions to Sun didn't go through usual transformations like - No Sun :-(  -  Wow, Sun!  -  ok, Sun.  -  Oh! Sun :-(  -  Sun? forget it, I have regained wisdom to stay in shadows instead of trying to blame Sun. 

No, this post is not about complaining about Sun rather, its time to witness euphoria with which nature is celebrating grand comeback of the fiery God. In last month, trees completed shedding their old leaves, mostly last few remaining but if some were holding to most of theirs, they had to really hurry, and that process covered the ground with dry leaves, walking on which I quite enjoy. Actually, ground covered with dry leaves also help to understand how much of world we perceive through ears - in most cases you don't need to look to know what species is walking outside your window and if its just passing by, searching for food or stopping for water or standing there wanting to get noticed. 

With Sun on its side, life doesn't waste even a moment. Trees starts renewing themselves with all new leaves or show off by briefly substituting flowers for leaves. insects start showing up again but even before you see them, you can tell they are there with thousands of spiders everywhere where none were seen before. One after the other, different coloured butterflies start filling the scene. 

Staying in shade, somewhat struggling to keep up with sudden 10-15 degree rise in shade temperature - now almost touching 40 degrees Celsius, as I look at the surrounding suddenly turned so vibrant, I try to think - which is better strategy? Become strong enough to carry on in all weathers like we do or make best of a niche climate and don't bother about existing (or existing in full force) in others. Sure there are advantages and drawbacks in both strategies, some I can imagine and there will be many others too - possibly a topic I can google some day in detail. at present, my personal preference however goes to latter. I prefer second option not for any scientific reasons but just because I like it more. life around us that chose the second approach has many strategies like migrating, overwintering or waiting in form of a seed when climate is adverse. I was however by now not exactly thinking about existence and activity of life forms in different seasons..

I have been spending much less time watching birds and bugs as lot of attention had been diverted to human world over past some time. However, now I have reached that point where I wish 16th May comes as soon as possible. Yes, I too have hopes and wishes for what I want from that day, but at the same time, when I wish we get what to me looks like we don't deserve, I don't sound too proud to myself. and, is it even possible to get what we don't deserve? Few days back, I was talking to a friend and this point comes up. I am offered help to come out of this not being able to proudly ask for a good government - "don't we become deserving if we vote for it? If we vote a good government in power, we deserve a good government. Right?" I disagreed with that argument very strongly but somehow failed to explain my reaction at that time.

It wasn't that difficult to see later why I didn't think that being intelligent enough to know which government is good and being clever enough to vote for it isn't enough to make one deserving. Don't we need to be non corrupt to deserve an honest government? Don't we have to stop refusing to maintain healthy lifestyle, stop being examples of shortcut seekers to next generation, stop asking for free lunches, be willing to work sincerely for what we get paid and pay taxes, not make our momentary conveniences most important deciding criteria for our activities and need to care about environment, pollution, rules and regulations etc etc, to deserve an honest, corruption free, efficient government that tries to provide excellent healthcare facilities, rich education, excellent law and order conditions, clean air and water and preserves biodiversity, natural heritage.. ? Can we opt to do none of these and still become deserving just by casting a clever vote? No, I am not undermining importance of Vote, my argument is, Vote is tool to exercise power, not create it. Power must be created first within the voters by they being what they want to see in government. Democracy is about getting representative government, isn't it? It is this point that doesn't allow me to be proud about my wish from 16th May. 

Not being very happy with Points faced while thinking about human world, my mind migrates to thinking about Nature again. Nature thankfully doesn't have ANY point. It appears to have patterns though. We see oscillations, cycles, cascading effects, phase transitions, and above all, what looks completely opposite to concept of patterns - Randomness everywhere. Vibrant life in front of my eyes was there because Sun was there, and, many of the Nature’s patterns had contributed in Sun being there. I never thought in terms of Sun being there because insects, plants, ..everyone rejoicing Sun's presence ‘deserved’ it. Also, while nature appears to love multiplications, it doesn't seem to like summations much. If I cant always talk about whole by summing its parts, specially for living things, should I look at society as purely sum of individuals? and even if I want some crude simplification as approximately equating society to Sum of individuals, shouldn't it be weighted Sum at least? weights changing with climate in which the society exists. Some individuals and ideas existing in full force and others overwintering at certain time and opposite being true for different climate. Can’t a strong, good and able government along with right cocktail of other factors including chance factor be like change of season or even a climate change to society akin to Sun in the sky for life on earth? 

And, good point is, with this way of looking at things, waiting for 16th May becomes a game of judging probabilities - if a whole cycle has completed or not, if its time for next oscillation or not or just waiting to see which random number turns up. No difficult psychology involved there - except that there will be a sense of happiness or otherwise. for, I do wish for a specific outcome. I want a Sun in my sky.