Tuesday, 22 December 2015

(anyone's)wealth+power+(less than required)intelligence = waste of time and energy

If you watch my multi species family for any length, benefits of being more powerful are clear. you get to eat fruits first, you can drink water whenever you want, no one challenges you (well, until you are not threat to their kids - in role of parents one can very well stand up against bigger species too). These things are true 'generally' but effective advantage of such power changes when non routine things like abundance of resources or inter-species interaction gets added. Say, even when there is no scarcity, most powerful may still spend considerable energy in protecting extra food while those in lower ranks manages to just eat and play.

Whatever said, its not easy not to hoard if you have something of value in your hand and cant spend/use it immediately. Our crows too do it regularly. They have a place in a tree trunk where they store extra food. A slight problem with that however is, everyone else too know of their hiding place. When you have a problem and an intelligent creature, you see an attempt to solve it. Few days back I saw a young crow doing exactly the same. hiding extra roti he had at an unlikely place. Very much on the ground. see the video. This one is little longer by my standards. its 1 minute 8 secs, some 11+ MB as uploaded.

I am not very hopeful of this strategy too being successful as many dogs pass by and there are lots of ants also - a big ant nest just nearby. but still, it was nice to see this crow trying out things differently. Even as his efforts to hoard, watch over and then eat those roties in future were certain to go waste and even not required given lack of scarcity, it was at least using his brain and learning new things.

Meanwhile, while I am at crows, here is a small peek into their old behaviour too. Till they realised that it simply wont work, they used to always try to take water home in summer (I used to keep water only in summer then - was quite stupid of me to think they need it only in summer, but learning curve doesn't apply only to crows, it applies to me too.). Its 10 sec. 1+ MB

Saturday, 19 December 2015

Difficult rationality

I have a post that I started few days back less than half done. also in another I intend to share crow behaviour but havent overcome laziness so far and now am somewhat stuck with kind of unease and cant take my mind off the topic even after there is nothing more to 'think' about it, so why not write about it?

Yesterday, heard a sound that I couldn't recognise and it appeared to be coming from someone in either distress or an alert to some nearby danger. I walked in direction of sound. even before I locate the source, my interpretation of sound drifted more towards distress than to alert. soon I also saw the source. some small bird hanging on a tall tree (some kind of fig tree). Two crows were sitting nearby and fearing they will harm the bird caught in Plastic Kite thread, I made gestures asking them to go away. they did so but I soon realised they were actually only watching out of curiosity and I regretted my decision - could they actually be trying to find out way to help the bird?

Fortunately there was help at hand and the person were good at helping too. While I saw no way how that bird could be saved but one person climbed on roof below the tree with a long bamboo of I think some 20 feet, he attached burning incense like thing (burning not just at tip but few inches) at the front, targeted plastic thread with swiftness and precision and thread was cut. bird stuck midway and he pushed leaves/branch, bird fell to the ground. It wasn't a bird, it was a small fruit bat. I had not known they were around till then.

It took me 20-30 mins to slowly free his wing from multiple loops of that killer thread. towards the end, bat lost patience and tried to free itself from my grip, and bit my finger - only slightly though. I also managed to get a little scratch from his nail. though it slowed down remaining untangling process, finally it was done and despite one broken bone in the wing, one side of the wing damaged, it managed to fly in short bouts and climbed nearby banana tree. It covered itself in its wings and went to sleeping position - I admire its rationality. If I was him, I most probably would have stayed in panic mode and destroyed any remaining chances of recovery also.

After washing my hand, applying turmeric, also applying antiseptic from nearby dispensary, I googled if bat bite is risky. and well, I was really scarred to read about rabies, other possible infections bats can carry. - well, the scratch and bite were only slight, and most probably I was more scared than required. actually, definitely my reaction was unwarranted - by now, I have a feeling that rarely anything may apply to my innocent little fruit eating bat. plus, he appeared very healthy- both physically as well as mentally. plus GoI guildlines I found on net stated that in India there was no information on risk from bat and exposure to it can be ignored. even in my worried state, or probably more because of that, I hoped one day to make myself as calm and as rational as the bat. tough target, but worth the efforts - if I can make to it.

Meanwhile, despite the very low perceived risk and lack of information, I finally decided to err on cautious side. will take rabies vaccine starting later today- and now really worried about if that process will go on fine or not.. - I live in part of India where fake medicine are known to exist in the system, skilled and trained manpower is a nearly non existent concept at social level, and even otherwise, I dont really classify myself as very fit person and do fear allopathic medicines in general. but apart from all these, greater problem is within myself. Not able to let useless and unhelpful worrying thoughts go away is something purely I have to find solution for. and if I can take inspiration from the bat wrt to that, probably all these short-term problems will be a small cost for a bigger gain.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

My bokeh better than yours?

I always had this simple knowledge that people with high myopia see considerably worse compare to those with small, insignificant numbers like -1,-2,-3.. and somehow this 'considerably worse' was sufficient differentiation for me. Earlier this year however when I tried to understand myopia better after it had decreased for the first time in my life, I found myself confronted with numbers that appeared strange. Say, with some -10.5 numbers my far focus point was around 9.5 cm and after a substantial decrease to -9, it was some 11.2 cm. Really? That 'Significant' improvement I was so happy about meant additional focus range of less than 1 cm? And that way, even those with not high myopia, say with -3 number would not be able to focus beyond 33 cm – it absolutely didn't sound as great advantage over -9 as I had always thought!

Okay, even as those numbers did confuse me, I knew I wasn't as wrong as the numbers made it out. So, the difference didn't come from far focus distance, which was a factor but only a small one, the real difference came from 'out of focus' quality of world beyond that far focus point. But how to quantify that? And even if I may find some number that can describe OOF quality (which I haven't found so far if there is), how do I 'see' how it might look like? ok, answer is rather simple actually.

i.e. If my current number is -9 and if that reduces to -7, world at large will look as in/out of focus as it is currently at half a meter. And, to someone with -3 numbers world appears as much in focus as things appear at some 17 cm to me. Sounds more like how I understood it originally.

ok, it doesn't give idea about VA and in general viewing comfort, but still I find it somewhat useful to understand approximately how normal or more normal eyes compared to mine see the world or to understand how I can expect it to appear with further myopia reduction or to understand one of the quite irritating behaviour of those with insignificant numbers when they waste own and others time because they cant find something, cant see things properly and in the end say, ok, let me put on glasses, so that I can see.

Monday, 26 October 2015

Happy Babblers

I guess you know my love for babblers in general and for my babblers in particulars. They perhaps are most talked about individuals over here too. Given their discipline, sincerity and playfulness, its rarely I find they are overdoing something. But for last two days I did notice something that didn't fit in very well. Why one of them must act like a child. (they do go mad with joy in breeding season when their fledgling successfully leaves nest and they themselves don't act much different than their kid – but breeding season is over long time back so I didn't think on those lines.) and why another one was continuously – whole day, without a break, making sounds from somewhere nearby.

Yesterday I was standing outside and hear the babbler calling repeatedly from the tree behind. Turn around to look at it, and I instantly got two answers about what I was looking at. First and main answer - a Babbler baby and secondary, an informative answer - a Cuckoo. Okay, it did take a fraction of second to integrate these two answers but to my credit, I did it fairly quickly. As I watched this unusual addition to my multi-species family for next few mins, I got to see/understand something in a way I hadn't before. This babbler baby appeared to me only a babbler baby – it had body size much like parents (so far at least), had body language like parents, it sounded like parents and above all, it WAS a baby of its babbler parents. Before yesterday, I always had only 'victimising' aspect associated with brood parasitism but my babblers and their cuckoo baby appeared nothing more or nothing less than any other innocent baby preparing to take on world with help of its parents and proud parents happily and diligently taking care of their baby. I simply could not associate the word 'victim' with happy parents and baby in front of me.

Couple of shots and a small video.


Friday, 18 September 2015

A Monkey Story

Given my long absence due to combination of hot summer and hot laptop, I missed few things to share. Here is one of them.

Late April. from inside the house I hear a loud bird chorus irrupting outside. based on the composition - i.e. participating species, loudness, and tone, my best guess was that a monkey had come. Monkey is not frequent visitor here but kind of regular as one individual comes once every year - when jackfruits are small and probably right size for him to eat. Birds don't like him at all but luckily he never stays around for more than few hours. I did not have to go out to confirm. I could hear branches being stressed - sure like birds even trees must be annoyed with this visitor.

15 -20 mins or half an hour later, birds still agitated but slowed down a lot, some small branches had suffered quite unnecessarily. I hear the visitor calling. I interpret it as a call for help and go out, try to search where he is, but fail to find initially. After some struggle I locate it. I was surprised - it wasn't the usual (sized) monkey. this one was very small and almost hiding between tree trunks just in front of me it was making a sound that my brain interpreted as 'Hi I am lost and alone can someone help me?' -ok, so it was a small monkey, looking lost and asking for help and so I 'knew' it was a juv who has strayed away from mother and now calling his mother. (this thought process gives me some idea about what reaching to conclusion may be for brain - but let me come to it later if the flow allows).

So, what do you do if a young monkey asks for help. Ensure safety - it was already safe up in the trees. risk was on ground only from the dogs. Food - there was abundant food up there, not just jackfruit, there were other figs etc too. Water - okay, that's a good idea. I fill up a bowl with water and put it on a window roof and try to talk and show him the water. He listens to me and responds with same sound repeatedly. I keep showing him water. finally he decides to calm me and drink water. reaches window roof and in a moment he spills water and bowl comes tumbling down. I feel guilty - how stupid of me to fill the bowl fully, he must not have managed to handle it.
Window roof also had some slope. so I keep the water on ground next time and watch out for dog. ask him to come down and drink while I am guarding. (if you are regular reader you probably know that I always keep water for birds anyway. if you are wondering why separate water for the monkey? shame on you. why you ask such a question when you already know that the original water is for birds? I guess we all by default find simple solutions like small hole for small cat, big hole for big cat.) anyhow, he didn't come down and after a while not seeing any other sign of he being in distress I went inside the house. Soon, he climbs down, drinks water, deliberately spills remaining water.. and there comes a dog. Now, the monkey's body language beats me. no fear, completely in control he even scares the dog somewhat and graciously climbs up. What it meant was that he wasn't a Juv. Well, none of its activity or body language so far was that of a juv but I had declared it a juv because its body size was smaller than what I had expected. With the monkey neither a juv nor in stress, the episode ended there. He stayed there for some more time, did some more damage to few more branches and was gone.

Story however didn't end there. it was back again next day. along with all of his previous days destructive style, he comes and empties the water containers. I was kind of shocked - this monkey was a bad monkey. bad as in good humans and bad humans. Okay, I have seen hoarding, stealing, even bullying for no good reason behaviour in non human life around me. but outright destructive behaviour? This monkey was simply interested in emptying all water containers, apart from breaking some tree branches etc. I did not have any clue about what to do about this monkey but at first I thought of recording its behaviour.

In second video, again the monkey doesn't know of being watched but just as it tries to spill water, I ask it not to do so. it cant see me but gets the message - but cant change itself..

Apart from it being difficult situation for me as to accept that I was confronted with a bad monkey, it was a practical difficulty too. the water which the monkey wouldn't allow to be there for anyone's use was one of most precious and highly needed thing for some 40-50 individuals. and if I refill water, it would come and empty it again. it actually gave me lot of stress for couple of days. then, I thought let me try a strong message. I sat at the window near the water, with a stick in hand, guarding the water. Monkey kept trying to come near the water, from different directions, at different speed, but I held on to both my stick and tough tone. game goes on for almost an hour and a half. now, monkey not only seems to have got the message how strongly her behaviour is unacceptable but she herself needs to drink water too.
Initiating peace talks

Monkey changes her stance. (It knows that I wont show aggression if it doesn't misbehave first.) it comes and sits on tree few feet from the window, looks at me, and offers a peace proposal. (yes, same sound - look at the last video below). I don't respond. Monkey persists. it looks so innocent and endearing that I actually feel like forgetting everything and present it with water, food, whatever I can manage. but, I keep myself in check and accept the proposal to allow it to go near the water - but with firm tone of a regulator.
As soon as I start saying 'ok, you can go and drink water, but no spilling.' monkey is on its way down. sits comfortably (now it had the permission, it knew) and drinks. leaves. Happy with this hard earned success, I too stop guarding the water.

Sure enough, Monkey didn't magically turn a well behaved individual after above incident. it kept emptying water, I refilling, but now at least there was a law - even if order was not very well established. and just as I knew it was a bad individual but ultimately only a monkey and couldn't stay angry with it when it wasn't actually doing any destruction, it also knew that even as I was a tough regulator, ultimately a well meaning individual. and therefore away from the water issue, our exchanges were cordial. once in a while, when it wanted to have a small chat, it used to come and call (same very sound) and we (I or Mom) used to respond. It kept coming for few days regularly, then at lesser frequency and then gone finally.

I am happy with the monkey gone - it was far too destructive for well being for so many happily co-existing species. but strangely I do miss it sometime. and the so very innocent and endearing sound which meant 'will you be my temporary friend so that I can get what I need from you?' is very much part of my vocabulary now. only problem is, the only person I use it with, my Mom, understands its meaning too well and unlike me, who used to get carried away with innocence aspect of it, she responds practically and raises her alertness towards any incoming non fair friendship deal :-(

Saturday, 1 August 2015

Polymorphic leaves

Currently, its time of plenty. from nothing a little while ago, now thousands and thousands plants of hundreds of varieties are growing everywhere. Plus, monsoon this time is wonderful – the best I have seen in my life so far. So, it is keeping me excited about what new and interesting plants I will be able to find this season. Though, a novice that I am, to attempt identifying plants, I need to wait till flowering which may also soon start as just looking at leaves doesn’t give much of confidence.

Okay, actually leaves of each one is also unique and one with some knowledge should be easily able to identify based on it. I am actually amazed at how each one has its own size, shape, thickness, colour (hundreds of shades of green) and even art.. Well, we know each plant has different looking leaves, but I must confess I had never looked at them closely before to realise the variety. I used to think that leaf characteristics may be decided by utility, but now I even suspect if each plant uses it for style statement as well.

While I am still waiting for flowers to appear, came across an interesting and what I think is an odd plant. (credit to Mom for noticing it and showing to me). It has leaves with different shapes distributed (apparently) randomly on it. I mean, I could understand if a plant had different shape/characteristics leaves based on its stage of growth / season during work life of the leaf (i.e. one that has responsibility to carry the plant through hot, dry summer vs those that need to work with no water shortage but somewhat scares sunlight.) / where leaves doubled up as petals (ok, petals are also modified leaves, but you see what I mean) but I had never seen a plant growing two different shapes of leave apparently for same functionality at same time, under same climatic conditions, at same growth stage. Plus, neither shape appeared kind of deformed – failed growth, rather both looked perfectly fit and fine and having achieved their intended shape.

Compound leaves
Leaves acting as Petals
Polymorphic leaves
I don’t know if the plant is playing a survival game, growth game, upgrading to new leaf shape in phased manner or is on a quest for knowledge on different leaf forms – but if it’s the last one, I wish it a Eureka moment soon :-)

Meanwhile, google/wiki tells me that there can be polymorphism in leaves and image search readily shows up similar leave as mine too. I anyhow find these leaves quite interesting.

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Partial Eclipse

Not really a post, this is just to say that I remember I have this blog. Will take at least couple of more weeks I guess before I manage to come back - need to buy a desktop using which I don't continuously think about overheating, not that my laptop has completely given up but still..

Meanwhile, this only picture I have managed to take in last few weeks.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

First shots this Vasant

Winter here usually comes with few installments of cold spells broken by few sunny days. Not this time. This year it was one single long spell of cold days. It however broke the pattern that was going for almost one and half year now of reality not matching with season. Say, last winter was more like monsoon, Summer had lacked the usual heat and Monsoon the rains. So hopefully this winter being like winter will restore the order. and now, abundant Sunshine has returned and so the colours. Best season for photography starts now and I hope to do better compared to last few months.

I was thinking about not seeing the roller for quite some time and one morning see him. I quickly got home, picked up camera and returned. He however had left by then. Its disappointing that unlike in past, when he or even the pair was seen quite regularly, is seen less and less now. Last time I spent good time watching it was actually nearly three years back. a  shot from archives for now.

I did not find the roller but still it was worth spending some time there - a black hooded Oriole was calling happily and not many things can match the experience of listening to one. While coming back saw this hoope sitting on the ground. I went and sat at some distance. then at somewhat lesser distance and then even lesser. It didnt mind my company even at some 15 feet or so.

Meanwhile, keeping up with the season, my favourite tiny weed flowers are back.
okay, I know it doesnt make a sensible post to repeat all those weed flowers every year no matter how much I like them so rest assured I wont repeat my last February post. I however found one beautiful addition this year that wasnt there before. It should be around 4mm in size.
Insects too have started appearing and first of them to appear everywhere is.. well, what might sound very uninteresting subject to most - a mosquito it is I think. I quite like it for its antennas and one of them was posing for me the other day.

Some colours to end with. Hope to be back with more colours soon..

Monday, 23 February 2015

A little diversion

While choosing subject of my first post on this blog, I had selected squirrel in an instant and did not have any second thoughts. Reason I like them so much is their playfulness. There are no words using which I can overemphasis how much I love to watch them.

Many things have changed since I started this blog. I was supposed to be mostly taking bird photos then but turned out I spoke more with macro subjects, I also thought this blog would be largely photo driven but words started sneaking in more and more as way of expression. This place felt strange, nowhere place on day one and now it’s a comfortable home. these changes were both continuous and natural. However, something else, an completely unexpected change also occurred during this period. Back then, most of the time I spent was with birds, bees and butterflies and human-world mostly existed only in context of sharing my experiences here or at flickr. But then, in last one year, human- world has reclaimed me. or, I should say, someone just Stormed in and re-ignited my interest (and hope) wrt to the world. The Someone, to whom I just gave credit to alter direction of my thoughts so completely, was mentioned on this blog first time nearly 10 months ago - as the Sun I wanted in my sky.

Now, he appears to be willing to listen to anyone with good ideas in general and frequently everyone is explicitly invited to share ideas on specific areas too. I however, finding myself suddenly interested in a new world, am in learning mode. find I lack knowledge or ideas about anything. Plus, isnt it true that talking sense is a lot more difficult than what we imagine it to be when we are not actively trying to talk sense? Yet even in this purely learning stage my brain reacted somewhat strongly when I read one area where ideas were invited. Not because I had any idea to share, but because I still think there are no words using which I can overemphasis how much I love to watch playful life and value playfulness.

Views were invited on ‘Making India a Sport Superpower’. If not for the strength of the pull that has brought my attention back, my instant emotional reaction to this would have been wanting to escape to my old world where human affairs were nowhere in focus. Why bother about things you cant ever understand? ok, I survived the irritation but thought let me at least try to pen down why I think world is difficult to understand using example of my reaction to concept of ‘Sports SuperPower’.

I get into troubled waters with the term ‘Sport’ itself to start with. When I hear that word, I try to interpret it as something inherently good, something positive. But then I don’t get that feeling of goodness I expect when I see that most recognised sports people wouldn’t have earned recognition if they had not used most sophisticated tools, if they had not received best training (knowhow for how to ‘crack’ the game?) or in some cases if they didn’t also have killing spirit. I fail to associate words win and lose with my expected interpretation of Sport. These contradicting interpretation of Sport creates a very typical feeling like.. ok, have you played ‘Say the colour not word’? I may be technically incorrect but closest example of how I feel (or felt till I understood why this was happening) while interpreting the word Sport is how we feel while saying colour not word. two conflicting answers, incorrect one turning up first.

I think now however I have some idea why that happened. while trying to understand my irritation with word Sport, I suspected if it was a culture shock of some kind. I tried to translate the word Sport in Indian languages and then translated back to English. Word I got was Play. So there I was. Play- which arises out of playfulness – when there is an environment of security, confidence, mutual trust/liking and abundance of resources; Play- which strengthens the bonds between players, enhances fitness, may offer non-production environment to hone up physical and cognitive skills required at other times; Play- where joy experienced by ‘winner’ and ‘loser’ is no different as its joy of playing and counting win and lose is no one’s intention is of course very different from 
(or actually quite opposite of?) the ‘Sport’. Playfulness of course is also a much broader thing – it’s a state of mind you can carry in many different areas not just on playgrounds.

Second thing creating problem with me is trying to become a SuperPower – to my mind it sounds so much of a zero sum concept, almost feels disgusting. why try to become a SuperPower in any area? Why not try to become Strong?  Strength using which one can help those lacking it also gain it and can forge synergies with other's strength. Now, you may point out that my argument is not fair in current context of becoming more powerful in sports. In current context, it should be simply taken as attempt towards producing more and more champions and for that all you need to focus on is to produce more and more players who are among the best in the world – and by doing it, others are in no way rendered weaker players – so what’s wrong?

well, I have nothing against a scenario of seeing myself in a country having more and more best players in the world. especially if I don’t double count my problem with concept of ‘Sports’ again here. I will be happy in similar way with such a scenario as.. say someone checking his medical test results find that he has a very good HDL level. A great indicator saying things are going well on some fronts. isnt it? But what if test results are bad? Should he rush to change his HDL level by directly targeting it? What happens if value of indicator is changed with use of external forces? will that also make underlying situation all well or just break the relationship between value of indicator and underlying situation? Well, in case of HDL it doesn’t seem to be making underlying situation better and, I feel case for altering number of sports champions – by directly acting on that objective may not be too different. What’s more, now you have one indicator less to tell you how you are doing in reality.

Btw, None of above means that I have even slightest doubt that our leader doesn’t values playfulness. I also have full faith that he will never walk or take the nation on paths of zero sum games. as well as, no one would imagine him to be naïve enough to target an indicator only. (Yes, I can happily call myself a Bhakt of our prime minister :-) ). So, probably this focus on what sounds not worthy of being an objective to me may be in some way just a tool in a journey to reach higher goals? ..whatever it is though, I cant read this phrase ‘Sports Superpower’ without some kind of irritation.

So, it seems I haven't made a lot of progress in being able to comprehend the way things work in human world despite my renewed interest to understand them. Fortunately though there is beautiful and not so difficult to understand Nature also around. Let me see what I find for the next post.

Friday, 23 January 2015

Side effect of poor net connectivity?

Keeping up with the trend of reducing frequency of posts seen over last few months it has been a long break again. There usually are set of things keeping me away each time but two reasons were present more consistently all these months. and now I guess one of them may have helped other to exist to some extent?

One hurdle between me and blogging over last many months has been my net connectivity and computer problems. I have been mentioning them now and then so nothing to add here. But other factor, which I initially thought to be independent, was my eyes. I first realised few months ago that my Mypoia had started decreasing. This was expected and somewhat awaited too. it was also confirmation that I had completed a good four decades of life. Now, as I had tried to get into macro world some two years back without spending money, I had +1, +1.5 Diopters at ready disposal and could estimate that reduction was around 1.25-1.5. But then, I am at my best and so succeeded avoiding hard work of visiting an eye doctor to get new prescription for months. Side effect of it was that my brain did not like me seeing thought glasses and I developed computer avoidance tendency.

Finally however, I managed to visit an eye doctor – for, mom was found to have cataract, ready to be operated on. So she had her cataract removed and I had my new eye prescription with Spherical power slashed by 1.25 and Cylindrical component slashed by 0.5. I see a lot better now but cant still say love to stare at computer. Probably staring at computer is not one of those activities eyes enjoy most, well corrected or not.

Now, since its first time my eye prescription change is in reverse direction, and since I have time to get interested in whatever I like, I have been trying to understand basic things about eyes and Myopia. (agree that its strange I didn’t try to understand it earlier) with not so hidden agenda of reaching to a preferred conclusion that this reduction in power is not simply sign of aging but actually some improvement. Its much like trying to identify a bird you just sighted where choices are between a commonly available and rarer similar looking species – you always want it be rare species while knowing its almost always the common one that it is. For now I have put on hold the decision if its just aging or positive effects of lifestyle changes (drastically reduced computer usage being one of those changes) till I get next data point say a year or so from now wrt to accommodation which can be taken as proxy for aging. What makes reaching conclusion more interesting is that, the eye doctor I consulted, a reputed one at that, has categorically declared that there wont be any future reduction in numbers whereas empirical evidence seem to suggest that its usual to see such reduction in 40s for those who have high Myopia..

Btw, while we were visiting Gujarat for eye care, I managed to spend some time looking out for birds.

Gull Billed Tern

Gull billed Tern

Purple Moorhen

Actually not much luck with sightings or shots this time so let me add here old shot of one of my favourite sighting there.

Back here, things were really cold and devoid of Sun till day before. Sun however is out finally and I have got my season's first flycatcher shot.

Meanwhile, a mixed group of stilts, sandpipers, etc is visiting and I hope to walk to Ganga before they go off and before the next post..

P.S. With some more reading and experiment, I think I have somewhat better understanding of my reducing numbers than I had 10 days ago. My preliminary googling had led me to believe aging mainly affects near vision because we gradually lose accommodation. – this should not have any effect on far vision which is based on relaxed lens.
So, the only point of speculation appeared to be that reduced near-stress might have helped lens relaxing better. This, however did not explain why everyone with Myopia experiences reduction in numbers.

Now, in last week I did and read few more things.
- For the first time I managed to find a study (study itself is old – only I did not find it before) where someone had accepted that Myopia actually decreases with Age.
- I also tried to measure my current accommodation so that I can see how it changes with age in coming years. Now, I happened to do this exercise both indoor in artificial light and after few days outdoor on a Sunny day. – Initially I found results confusing. – I was younger outdoor under the Sun than indoor under artificial light? Accommodation was higher by 0.5 to 1 Diopter. but.. was it accommodation effect? if yes, why I managed to get near point nearer and far point further instead of just near point nearer? ok, I should not have asked this question to myself.. Of course more light, higher f number means better DoF. Outdoor light allowed my pupil to constrict and what I thought was higher accommodation was only higher DoF.
- No wonder that after noticing above effect, I quickly saw everywhere it was mentioned that with age, our pupil size also decreases. Smaller pupil size equals not only better DoF but also lower levels of aberrations. plus, lets not forget that we see with Brain. I forgot to note the source but I think somewhere I read that brains may get better at seeing (making up pictures) with age.

Ok, I could not find ready calculation how much effect and if its significant or not is generated by reducing pupil size for highly myopic eyes or could not calculate myself so far due to not having put effort to do it myself and therefore don’t claim that should be the reason for myopia reduction. but with all of above additional information, my hopes of finding any other reasons beyond simple aging has reduced drastically.