Monday 8 July 2013

Hiding in Plain Sight - Life on a tree trunk

I recently got a friend's 18-55 kit lens to experiment with (Reversed lens) Macro photography and as expected, it changed the world around me in an instant. I started seeing things I never saw before. In one such instance, as I was standing near a tree, saw a tree trunk spider. They are so wonderfully camouflaged (or so I had thought when I saw it first time. Now, I see it readily actually.) and look almost fossilsed and even acted like that. if you see one and dont have camera with you, you can easily return few hours later to take a shot. 

(okay, I can improve quite a lot with them with focus stacking - something I have promised myself to do some day.)

it occurred to me that if a habitat is found useful by one life form, likely that same is case with others too. I only had to look for some more time to find few others.

Next find, the Jumping spider was quite opposite to the tree spider in activity level. It was  moving constantly but not too shy. After some initial curiosity and shyness, it went on with his running around and allowed me some shots. 

Jumping Spider

Jumping Spider

Below unknown creature was strangest of all. it was smallest and best camouflaged  so well that it was very very difficult to notice it even when it was moving. I think however, it was already bored with its hiding capability and had developed a yellow tip on its tail that when it swings it, it revels itself very effectively. The picture cant capture it but it was so very beautiful when it wagged its tail gracefully.

Unknown creature

Most challenging creature I found there was this praying mantis. It was only slightly bigger than a big mosquito, it ran away swifty as soon as it noticed me. I could even notice it in first place as I was looking at the thing second time. first time being not on a tree trunk but on the ground. not so good capture, but probably identifiable as parying mantis shot from the first sighting also appears below.

Praying Mantis

Praying Mantis

I am sure there is lot more out there and next time I look at tree trunks, may be able to see something new.

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