When I was writing ‘telling time by flowers’, I remembered something. Even today I am not a traveller and that was the first time I was travelling to outside my state on my own. I had to change train at Mumbai and had nearly whole day in my hand there. I was to utilise that time visiting a relative’s place. So early in the morning, minutes after the Sunrise, I get down from train from where I had to exist on West. Not seeing any signboard, I walk to shoeshiner sitting on the platform and ask, which side is west? He looks at me, looks up in the direction where Sun was rising and points to opposite direction. yes, that was embarrassing but I still loved how instead of just pointing me to west, he chose to teach me to look to Sun to know direction.
As I was looking at flowers indicating time, thought what if I didn't have watches and calendars available and was to create them myself? Question is already answered by many civilisations independently many times so its unlikely I can think from scratch, but I can look at those answers and try to choose my favourite. Simplest and most useful would be an assembled calendar rather than written and memorized one. Day starting at Sunrise, a larger unit of time based on lunar cycle that causes so many things to oscillates based on itself and a unit of time that covers one full cycle of repeating seasons. Seems fine except that its a system where different levels of time keeping are defined based on different things. Year-Sun, Month-Moon, Day-Sun. ok, join them with self adjusting, self correcting mechanism. stars come handy for this purpose. All good but what about the feeling that its MY calendar? Well, I can choose my year start to coincide with start of any month, preferably one that is kind to human life. Indeed when I look around, there are different lunisolar calendars starting at different month.
I haven’t managed to understand either solar or lunar calendars yet – not even sure if there is much to understand there. Solar looks like talking about a year, a period that is approximately 1/12 of a year and a period that is approximately 1/365 of a year – really wasted opportunities to make sense of both month and day (though, in our far from nature lifestyle, where active hours have lost its relation to daylight, I don’t have much to argue against fixed length day starting at any random minute. OR, probably is it more a reason to argue against it because switching back to real day definition can prove a very useful tool to correct our disconnect from nature?). At some point, (when it didn't even used to occur to me that you can say east/west looking at Sun), I would have thought it was simpler and lunisolar a complex calendar of the two. Today, however I think that what gets defines naturally and is rule based is much more simple than something unvarying for sake of it and requires memory not logic/cycles in nature to describe. Despite being such a inefficient calendar, you do see this blog dated per one anyways. I think calendar we use tell us something about time we live in too.